Unofficial results of the annual meeting (newsletter article submitted by the board)

2024-05-19 Annual Meeting Minutes – Final

The 2024 Annual Congregational Meeting of UUCS was held Sunday, May 19 at 12:00 pm in Hanneman Hall. A Zoom link was provided for those attending remotely.


  • Welcome
  • Chalice Lighting
  • Remembrances 
  • Board Chair’s Annual Report
  • Team Council and Committee Annual Reports
  • Strategic Plan Completion and Plans
  • 2024-2025 Proposed Budget presentation and vote to approve
  • Board and Nominating Committee Candidates presentation and vote to approve
  • Board Chair Vision for 2024-2025
  • Extinguish the Chalice
  • Adjourn

Annual Reports From Team Council, Committees, and Our Minister

Annual Reports of Team Council and Committees

Annual Report From Our Minister

Strategic Plan Completion and Recommendations

Strategic Plan Final Report Progress and Recommendations February 2024

2024-25 Proposed Budget

2024-2025 Budget Narrative

2024-2025 Revenue – Recommended Budget

2024-2025 Expense – Recommended Budget

Board Officers and Directors

Other than the Treasurer, board officers are elected to one-year terms. Directors are elected to serve two-year terms unless elected to complete one year of a vacant Director seat. Returning members do not require a vote.

2024 Nominees:

We have four nominees for three open board director positions, seats #2, #4, and #6, each a 2 year term. We will vote on each nominee, and the top three candidates will win the directors’ seats.

Returning Board Members

  • Lynn Cardiff – Past Chair, a voting member of the board
  • Steve Ovens – Treasurer (2 yrs remaining of 3 yr term)
  • Chris Keese-Ferguson – Director Seat #1 (one year remaining)
  • Ben Cavaletto – Director Seat #3 (one year remaining)
  • Robert Galloway – Director Seat #5 (one year remaining)
  • Sara Pickett – moving from Secretary to nominee for Chair

Retiring from the Board

  • Greg Gregg – Director Seat #2 (finished year 2 for Sara Pickett)
  • Christine Ertl – Vice Chair – moving to nominating committee

Nominating Committee Members


Returning member

  • Sara Shatto – 1 year remaining

Leaving the Committee

  • Connie Anderson (served 1 year of 3 year term)
  • Juli Patton (served 2.5 years of 3 yr term; B Stebbins-Boaz filled remaining .5 year)