UUCS gratefully accepts donations of cash, checks or online transfers from members and non-members alike. They can be a one time donation or payments on your yearly pledge. You can make a donation via our website, via your financial institution, via US Mail or at the church during regular business hours.

Non-monetary gifts may be accepted with prior approval from the finance team and the UUCS Board of Directors. If you are planning a non-monetary gift, contact the UUCS office for guidance on how to gain approval.

For a donation, you can specify how your contribution should be used. Typical requests include memorials, support for one of our shared ministries or for the general fund. UUCS is a 503 (c) 1 non-profit, so all donations are tax deductible.

To send a donation or pledge payment via US Mail, send to the church address on the bottom of the website, Attention: Finance. Be sure to note the intended use or purpose of your donation on your check. For all online options, see below.


What do you want to do or learn about today?

Make a one-time donation online

Make a pledge payment online or set up recurring pledge payments

Enter or update my pledge for next year

Contribute to our Endowment, Memorial or Reserve Funds