Spiritual Growth for All Ages

Flaming Chalice with rainbow glow.

The purpose of the UUCS Lifespan Religious Education Program is to provide a nurturing community which encourages lifelong growth in spirit and mind.

Through our classes, special services, community events, social justice projects, covenant groups, and other small group activities, we weave the UU Principles into our thoughts and actions while observing the mysteries of our world with an attitude of wonder. This process deepens our self-understanding and guides our participation in our congregation and broader web of existence.

Our program includes age appropriate religious education (RE) for children, youth, and adults. The children and youth attend classes during the Sunday Service. Adult RE is scheduled at other convenient times.

In addition to classes, several groups focus on Spiritual Development:

  • The Coming of Age Program is for middle school youth to explore their beliefs with a mentor and express their beliefs in front of the congregation.
  • Our Whole Lives Lifespan Sexuality Education is a human sexuality curriculum which we offer with certified facilitators every other year.
  • Connection Groups provide a venue for small group conversations in which adults explore a Soul Matters theme together each month.

The  LRE program is supported by the many congregation members who volunteer to teach, help with special Sundays, provide nursery care, serve on the LRE team, or support the program in other ways. For questions, contact the office or our Director of Lifespan Religious Education.

“Life becomes religious whenever we make it so.” – Sophia Fahs, UU Religious Educator

Lifespan Religious Education Staff

Molly Brown

Director, Lifespan Religious Education