We welcome you! You are invited to explore our principles while we honor your freedom of conscience. Our congregation celebrates the presence and participation of all, regardless of spiritual beliefs, age, gender, abilities, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. High School age participants at UUCS are known as Young Religious Unitarian Universalists, or “YRUUs” (WHY-roos).

During regular Sunday Services, YRUUs have the option of staying in the sanctuary with the adults or participating in the Youth group during the second service.

Our high school program this year will have a focus for each Sunday of the month:

1st Sunday – Emphasis on exploring UU Identity

2nd Sunday – Exploring the Soul Matters theme will all ages in the sanctuary

3rd Sunday – Travel to a different faith and attend their service.

4th Sunday – Work on Social Justice projects that connect them with the larger UUCS community.

Some YRUUs also get together at additional times for extracurricular activities beyond the Sunday worship and learning. YRUUs get together, learn together, and have fun together. Below are some of the activities that are available:

  • Youth Con (Conference) Fall and Spring
  • Youth Winter Retreat with other Willamette Valley congregations
  • Provide an LRE Service: A complete service created and led by the Lifespan Religious Education program in collaboration with Youth Advisors, Director of LRE and Reverend Davis
  • Help with the Multigenerational Holiday Service
  • Volunteer as classroom helpers and greeters
  • Volunteer to join a variety of UUCS Teams and Committees
  • Service Field Trips/Volunteering in the community
  • Sleep overs at UUCS with Youth Group
  • Craft projects and discussions that extend the learning in the yearly curriculum
  • Collecting money for the Lifespan Religious Exploration yearly offering project
  • Fundraisers for the youth program and other special projects
  • Volunteer for the Cordon Road Clean-up
  • Help with the Landscape Committee
  • Play games and enjoy each other’s company!