At some time we all come to the realization,  “We’re not going to be here forever.”  Over the years we have all witnessed the profound, positive difference UUCS makes in the lives of our members, friends and our surrounding community.  Although we won’t be here forever, there is a way for us to be there for future generations and exert a loving, generous influence upon them. 

Please consider making a financial gift so that future generations here at UUCS will have a strong foundation that will support them as they continue to offer “a joyful home for free religious exploration, where we nurture the hopes and serve the needs of our world” 

Current gifts as well as end-of-life commitments are welcome.  Current gifts may be designated to the Endowment Fund, Maintenance Reserve, or Emergency Reserve, or to other non-budget funds or a project you particularly want to support.

Study our Legacy Booklet to read more about how you can participate. Then, if you are making an end-of-life commitment, please tell us your plans, using our Legacy Record form  so that when the time comes, we will know your wishes for use of the money.

Members of the Finance Team are very willing to help you think through the possibilities for your participation. Contact