
The purpose of the Finance Team is to monitor and manage the congregation’s financial status and processes in consultation with the Treasurer. They are charged with these duties in the UUCS Bylaws, Article 8, section IV.

Responsibilities of the Finance Team

1. Propose the annual budget to the Board for review and modification, who then forwards the budget to the congregation for approval at the annual meeting.
2. Monitor expenditures and revenues to ensure conformance with Congregation budget.
3. Establish accounting policies and procedures to provide prudent administration of financial processes. These policies and procedures shall include:

a. Budget development
b. Stewardship campaign
c. Expenditure monitoring
d. Investments
e. Endowments
f. Memorials
g. Fundraising
h. Independent review of account

The purpose and responsibilities of the Finance Team are stated in Article VIII, Section 4 of the Congregation Bylaws. The policies and procedures for administration of congregational financial processes are found in the Finance Policy and Procedures manual.

There have been three  updates to the manual; the Finance Policies, Other Funds (Amendment)2022-01-09,   Endowment Fund Policy 2021-01-11. Investment Management Policy 2021-08-09.

There have been three additional policies; the Recognizing Endowment, Memorial, and “In Honor of” Policy 2021-05-10,  the Rental Agreement Policy 2021-08-09 and the Fund Types and Use Policy 2023-04-24.

Sub-committees of the Finance Team

  • The Budget Committee, appointed by the board, primarily proposes an operating budget.
  • The Investment Management Committee invests UUCS funds in short, intermediate and long term instruments.
  • The Endowment Committee encourages the development of the Endowment Fund Perpetual and Development Trusts and recommends policies related to endowment.
  • The Stewardship Committee conducts the annual Canvass (pledge drive), our principal source of operating income.
  • The Fundraising Committee reviews and approves proposed fundraising activities.

For a full explanation, see the document embedded below.

Finance Team Purpose Statement 2017-10-01

Finance Team Chair

Lorna Youngs