The UUCS Board of Directors is the governing body of the Church. It represents and acts for the Congregation in setting policy and conducting Church business. The Board ensures that the operations of UUCS are managed effectively in collaboration with Ministers and Staff, in accordance with the Bylaws. They operate under a Board Covenant  

The UUCS Board of Directors holds regular meetings 5:30 pm on the second Monday of each month in the UUCS fellowship hall. Anyone can attend these meetings.

Board duties include:

  • providing facilities for services and activities
  • setting church policy
  • overseeing committees
  • assuring services of a Minister
  • appointing and reviewing staff
  • administering finances and physical properties
  • providing annual financial review/audit
  • appointing delegates to continental and regional assemblies/councils
  • maintaining a Manual of the Policies and Procedures approved by the Board

Members of the UUCS Board of Directors include:

  • The Board Chair, who serves as Executive Officer.UUCS Board 2015
  • The Vice-Chair, who performs the Chair’s duties in their absence.
  • The Secretary, who keeps records and conducts correspondence.
  • The Treasurer, who acts as fiscal officer of the Congregation.
  • Six (6) Directors who serve two year, staggered terms.
  • The Past Chair, who serves for one year following their term of office.
  • A Youth Representative may attend (non-voting).

Current Board Members

Sara Pickett

Board Chair

Dell Ford

Board Vice-chair

Steven Ovens

Board Treasurer

Hannah Batu

Board Secretary

Lynn Cardiff

Past Board Chair, Facilities Team Coordinator; Life Lines Lay Minister

Christine Keese-Ferguson

Director, Seat #1

Teresa Farnum

Director, Seat #2

Ben Cavaletto

Director, Seat #3;

Craig Rowland

Director, Seat #4

Robert Galloway

Director, Seat #5

Tracy Boyle

Director, Seat #6