Acronyms – What does that mean?

ARE –  Adult Religious Exploration. Any of a series of classes and workshops or meetings that enriches the lives of our adult members.

ARMS Addiction Recovery Ministry Support.They provide resources for awareness, education, prevention, and treatment options.

DLRE – The Director of Lifespan Religious Education.

PWR–  Pacific Western Region, a regional group of UU congregations and fellowships.

RE- Religious Exploration. Religious exploration for all ages, though sometimes used to mean children’s RE.

SIHN –  Salem Interfaith Hospitality Network. Now called Family Promise.  In cooperation with other area churches and the YWCA/YMCA the UUCS offers shelter for homeless families for one week several times a year. Opportunities to volunteer abound!

UUCS – Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem, the name of our religious community..

UU – Unitarian Universalist- the name of our religious movement.

UUA –  Unitarian Universalist Association – an association of UU congregations and fellowships that work together for advancement of their agreed upon principles and purposes.

YRUUs – Young Religious Unitarian Universalists, our high school youth group.