Since the pandemic started, providing the weekly services has turned into a project requiring the skills and abilities of several people. The entries on this page chronicle those efforts.

Filming the Live-Streamed Service While the Building is Closed

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Reopening at UUCS, May 23, 2021

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  • In the Heat of the Morn – June 27, 2021

    Do you know what happens when you combine days of increasing heat, Question and Answer Sunday and the UUCS Virtual Choir?  A lot of hot air?  No, no, bad joke, bad joke.  You get a very cool ending of the 2020-2021 church year!  Although apparently the projector thought the whole thing was a little too…

  • UUCS Reopening-May 23, 2021

    It came upon a Sunday morn, white flowers looking like stars resting on a green bush under the swaying green leaves of a tree offering shade to parked cars. One arrived and then another, getting there early to prepare for the big day, the reopening of UUCS. Chalk drawings on the sidewalk cautioned social distancing…

  • Preparing for Reopening for In-Person Services May 23, 2021

    So one morning, the Cast and Crew of Behind The Chalice, woke up at the camp at the base of Mt. Jefferson, and they saw the snow was melting, the air felt warmer and before them they saw a path, a road if you will heading West. They took that road and as they traveled…