Since the pandemic started, providing the weekly services has turned into a project requiring the skills and abilities of several people. The entries on this page chronicle those efforts.

Filming the Live-Streamed Service While the Building is Closed

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Reopening at UUCS, May 23, 2021

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  • Meet Jon Chinberg-October 2021

    Tales from Behind the Chalice: The month of October we learn more about our own Jon Chinburg, who provides audio support and occasional special music for our Sunday services. “Koszonom” Jon, for all that you do!What do you most like about your position/s? I enjoy working with a committed group of folks to produce a…

  • Meet Becky Harrison -September 1, 2021

    Happy Fall from Behind the Chalice.  As we again take a pause from in-person services, let us continue finding out more about the people from Behind the Chalice.  This month it is Becky Harrison.  Welcome Becky.  And here is what she said:  Name: Becky Harrison. Position/s for Sunday Services: Soundboard.  What do you most like about your position/s: It…

  • Who Knows Who is Behind the Chalice? -August 3, 2021

    So dear readers, we, Behind the Chalice, find ourselves in a relatively calm time.  The Sunday Services are in person and live streamed.  The in-person Fellowship time has started, sans caffeine at the moment, the lights and PTZ cameras sit patiently while they await being lifted into their new homes in the Sanctuary, by the one…