Events Coordinator Needed

Want to be a big help? There are plenty of opportunities to join our UUCS ministry and serve on a team or committee, or just show up for specific tasks. But here’s one that has been lying dormant since the pandemic. Our administrative staff, Emma and Jo, are overwhelmed with the tasks of organizing our … Continue reading Events Coordinator Needed

Roy Zimmerman at UUCS October 11

One of our favorite entertainers, Roy Zimmerman, is returning to UUCS but the event has been moved to the fall, at Roy’s request. Originally scheduled for Friday, July 19, it is now scheduled for Friday, October 11 with a 7 pm start time. With an important election only a few weeks later we will all … Continue reading Roy Zimmerman at UUCS October 11

Help Register Voters Through October 14

Please consider joining me (Joan Stembridge) in staffing a Voter Registration table outside of the Salem Public Library. The table will have voter registration forms and information regarding who is eligible to vote. The table will be absolutely non-partisan in nature: the only goal is to encourage active citizenship; no UUCS information will be displayed. … Continue reading Help Register Voters Through October 14

Animal Blessing Service October 6

On October 6, please bring your well-behaved furry, feathered, or reptile friends to this service for our annual Blessing of the Animals. Let us bless the love and connection we feel between ourselves and those we call our furry family members, our reptilian relations, our persnickety yet patient pets. If your pet would not enjoy … Continue reading Animal Blessing Service October 6

Salem Pride Saturday, September 21

We invite everyone to come and celebrate at the Salem Pride event! The LRE Team and UUCS will have a fabulous Face Painting Booth and we would love Youth Group volunteers to help with face painting and engage with the community. It is SO MUCH FUN; we hope to see you all there!

Landscape Team Needs Tools

The landscape team works hard to make our property a welcoming home to recharge our nature spirits. Our team needs your help to properly maintain and protect our spiritual home.Do you have any gardening tools in good working condition you could donate to our team? We are looking for: pruning tools and sawswrenches, screwdriverspower toolsrakesbroomswheelbarrows … Continue reading Landscape Team Needs Tools

Share the Plate Recipient for September 2024 is HOME Youth Services

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is HOME Youth Services. HOME Youth Services Together the Drop … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for September 2024 is HOME Youth Services

Kaleidoscope is Closing

Kaleidoscope has had to make the hard decision to close. They will be gone by the end of August. This is not only a huge loss for Ashley, the kids and families at Kaleidoscope, but a huge loss for us here at UUCS. Ashley and Kaleidoscope have done so much to promote knowledge about UU … Continue reading Kaleidoscope is Closing

New Meditation Team Meets Tuesdays, 6:30 pm

The Spirit of Life Meditation Group will provide an opportunity for UUCS members and others from our larger community to practice weekly meditation together in an ecumenical setting. Rooted in multiple traditions, including but not limited to Buddhism, Christianity, Native American spirituality and mindfulness practice, our Group is open, as is UUCS itself, to people … Continue reading New Meditation Team Meets Tuesdays, 6:30 pm

Share the Plate Recipients for 2024-25

At each Sunday service, during what UUCS calls “A Time for Generosity”, a basket is passed around to collect money. This voluntarily given money is then shared with organizations from the local community who have goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. In consultation with the minister and the Social Justice Team, the fundraising committee … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipients for 2024-25

Men’s Group Meets Twice Monthly

Men’s Group will be meeting twice a month in the Green Room. Meetings will be on the 2nd Sunday, 12:30 pm – 2:30 PM Personal food optionaland on the 4th Sunday, 8 am – 10 am breakfast pot luck.Format: Leadership will be rotating. Meetings will start and end with brief check-ins. Topics may be initiated … Continue reading Men’s Group Meets Twice Monthly

Meditation Tuesdays at 7 pm

Tuesdays at 7 pm everyone is welcome to join us in our sanctuary for guided and silent meditation followed by tea and discussion. The first text for our discussion will be Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron’s When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Note: If you meditate on a cushion, please bring one until … Continue reading Meditation Tuesdays at 7 pm

Restorative Communication Offered by Safer Congregation Committee

Anyone who has a concern or knowledge of sexual harassment or abuse in our church is urged to contact a member of the Safer Congregation Committee for further consideration.A newer offering is a Restorative Communication program that helps resolve conflicts between members using a mediation-type process.Talk to the folks with the blue ribbons on our … Continue reading Restorative Communication Offered by Safer Congregation Committee

Facebook Help Wanted

Love to Facebook? Want to help UUCS for about 2-5 hours per month, all from home? We need a Facebook editor, familiar with Facebook, very comfortable with email, and willing to be trained on Trello, our workspace organizer (it’s easy!). We write the words, usually provide a picture, and you just post it. Contact

Health Precautions Recommended

As we know, COVID cases are on the rise, here and in the larger community. Also flu and other respiratory diseases historically are more common in winter months. Please be thoughtful of others, mindful of your own health, take precautions, but know we welcome you to join us in community at each Sunday service.

Banned Book Library

YOU are invited to participate in our new BANNED BOOK LIBRARY! Here’s how:

General Assembly in Pittsburg June 21-25, 2023

Faithfully Becoming is the theme of the annual UUA General Assembly in Pittsburg June 21-25 2023. Over a 5-day immersive experience that can be either in-person or virtual, attendees will participate in inspirational worship services and informative workshops, reconvene with friends and colleagues, and experience the vibrant exhibit hall. GA is an unforgettable experience for … Continue reading General Assembly in Pittsburg June 21-25, 2023

Men’s Retreat

There is a lot of interest in a UUCS men’s retreat, including Reverend Rick! We are starting to investigate locations. It will probably a weekend, within an hour of Salem, hopefully this Fall. But… we need an idea of how many MIGHT go…so please send an email to Rick if you are interested. No firm … Continue reading Men’s Retreat

Lots of Firewood Available

The Facilities team needs to find a home for the 2021 ice-storm firewood stacked in Bateman Woods, before next winter. If you are or might be interested in receiving some not later than this September, e-mail or call Tom Lancefield by June 1. We originally thought of selling it, and would accept donations. It is … Continue reading Lots of Firewood Available

Choir and Music Volunteers Wanted!

Want a fun, stress relieving activity that provides proven health benefits and is completely FREE? Join choir! The UUCS choir rehearses every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm and performs once a month. Come meet some new people (or say hello to long time friends) and help contribute to the UUCS musical community! Choir too much of a commitment? … Continue reading Choir and Music Volunteers Wanted!

Use the Publication Request Form

The Worship Team encourages UUCS Teams, Committees and Members to use the Publication Request form to communicate information about groups and activities to our UUCS community. The Communications Team does a good job of putting this information out in the weekly Friday This Week emails, on Facebook and in the monthly newsletter, “The Chalice and … Continue reading Use the Publication Request Form

Men’s Group Meetings Schedule

The next Men’s Group meeting will be Sunday, November 21 at 8 am. All identifying as men are welcome! Men attending will check-in and there will be discussion. All that is discussed will be kept confidential unless the safety of a participant or someone else is at risk.We meet every 2 weeks on Sundays, alternating … Continue reading Men’s Group Meetings Schedule

Re-Opening! Links to Building Use Guidelines for Services and Groups

The Re-opening team has determined that it is safe to open our building to our congregation and the wider community. Teams and Community groups are welcome to come in starting October 23. The first in-person service will be Oct 31, with registration still required.Guidelines are in place for Sunday services and for all who plan … Continue reading Re-Opening! Links to Building Use Guidelines for Services and Groups

Share the Plate Recipient for November is Rainbow Youth

Salem Rainbow Youth exists to serve the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth in Marion and Polk counties. Activities include weekly groups with dinner, public meetings, workshops, gatherings, and social events. Find out more on their website, or visit Salem Rainbow Youth on Facebook.

Fall Equinox Celebration September 22

Please join the Salem Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPs) for our Fall Equinox Celebration, Friday Sept 22.  Day and night are equal length. It is also the time to pause in gratitude of the second harvest.  Gathering and potluck at 7:00 pm with ritual  starting at promptly at 7:30 pm.  Please remember to bring a list of ingredients so people … Continue reading Fall Equinox Celebration September 22

RE Notes for Fall 2016

  REGISTRATION is being done through a google document.  A link has been sent to all of the parents currently on the google email list.  If you are new to our congregation and have yet to have been added to the google group, please pick-up a hard copy in the hallway or follow the link … Continue reading RE Notes for Fall 2016