Re-Opening! Links to Building Use Guidelines for Services and Groups

Building front door entry

The Re-opening team has determined that it is safe to open our building to our congregation and the wider community. Teams and Community groups are welcome to come in starting October 23.

The first in-person service will be Oct 31, with registration still required.
Guidelines are in place for Sunday services and for all who plan to come into our building. Proof of vaccination or exemption is required, and all are required to wear masks in the building. See details in the links below:

Building Use Guidelines for Sunday Services 2021-10-31

Building Use Guidelines for Teams and Groups 2021-10-23

Building Use Guidelines for Community Groups 2021-10-23

The Re-opening Team realizes that the guidelines will not be adequate for all individuals; some people may feel safer worshiping from home or joining a team meeting via zoom until a later time. For the rest of the congregation and community, we assume you are willing to accept the personal risk of being together inside.