Share the Plate Recipient for September 2024 is HOME Youth Services

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is HOME Youth Services. HOME Youth Services Together the Drop … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for September 2024 is HOME Youth Services

Kaleidoscope is Closing

Kaleidoscope has had to make the hard decision to close. They will be gone by the end of August. This is not only a huge loss for Ashley, the kids and families at Kaleidoscope, but a huge loss for us here at UUCS. Ashley and Kaleidoscope have done so much to promote knowledge about UU … Continue reading Kaleidoscope is Closing

Water Communion September 8

September 8 will be our annual Water Communion service and the start of our liturgical year. Bring a small vial of water representing somewhere you have traveled or the importance of water in your life. Don’t worry if you forget, there will be representative water available for you to use as well. Together we will … Continue reading Water Communion September 8

Be Part of the Host Team

The Membership Team is recruiting hosts for this coming fall. An important part of every Sunday service is the friendly hosts that greet people as they enter. If you are a friendly person who enjoys talking with others, this may be for you. This is also an easy way to start getting involved in the … Continue reading Be Part of the Host Team

Parents Night Out August 23

Bring your kids for a fun filled night on Friday, August 23 from 6 pm to 9 pm. You enjoy a night out without kids, or a nap! Dinner and snacks included! Your kids will get to enjoy fun outdoor activities, crafts and a movie showing on the big screen! All childcare volunteers have been … Continue reading Parents Night Out August 23

Summer LRE for Children and Youth

UUCS is offering Lifespan Religious Education (LRE) program for children throughout the summer, with the exception of the Sundays during Family Promise Week (August 11th – August 18th). Also, we are happy to add that returning UUCS member Arrhiannon will be leading the Time for All Ages (TFAA) program most Sundays this summer.