Sunday Fellowship Time- Via Zoom!

Sunday Fellowship Time- Via Zoom!

If you’re really missing coffee hour after the service, join us for Fellowship Time via Zoom. The meeting will last about 30 minutes. You’ll begin together and then be put into small “break-out rooms” for discussion. Bring your coffee and click the green button to join! As a convenience, you can also sign up to … Continue reading Sunday Fellowship Time- Via Zoom!

Share the Plate Recipients for the 2020-2021 Church Year

July, 2020 – Oregon Black Pioneers – August, 2020 – Partner Church September, 2020 – CAUSA October, 2020 – Microfinance November, 2020 – Santiam Canyon Wildfire Relief Fund December, 2020 –  IMIrJ Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice January, 2021 – Family Promise February, 2021 – Marion Polk Food Share March, 2021 –  LUS Latinos Unidos … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipients for the 2020-2021 Church Year

Legacy Campaign Ends November 22

The object of this campaign is to give us an opportunity to pay forward the benefits bequeathed to us by the builders of this church and congregation. We can build the UUCS endowment as well as our maintenance reserve and emergency reserve. Some members are making cash gifts now. Others are making provision for end-of-life … Continue reading Legacy Campaign Ends November 22

Habitat and Hope Village Project Needs Your Thoughts and Decision

The Social Tragedy Driving our Efforts On a single night, 17 of every 10,000 people in the United States experience homelessness. According to HUD’s 2019 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR, 2020), the number of homeless people nationwide increased by nearly three percent between 2018 and 2019. The unsheltered homeless increased by nine percent, and those … Continue reading Habitat and Hope Village Project Needs Your Thoughts and Decision

Share the Plate Recipient for October 2020 is Microfinance

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is our Microfinance project.  The UUCS Microfinance project makes small … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for October 2020 is Microfinance

Donate to Help Fire Victims

Gary Swanson, who did our sanctuary’s beautiful stained glass window, is also an active firefighter (retired from fire chief) in Gates. At the beginning of the Labor Day fires, he worked a 41-hour shift saving houses in Gates and Mill City — while his own house burned down. He has written a moving, inspiring, and … Continue reading Donate to Help Fire Victims

Books Still Available- Read for Irshad Manji’s October 25 Service!

On October 25, Irshad Manji, author of “Don’t Label Me: An Incredible Conversation for Divided Times” will be having an hour long dialogue with us during our worship service. In preparation of this service she has asked us to read her wonderful book (five star rating by Rev Rick!!). We have 50 FREE COPIES to … Continue reading Books Still Available- Read for Irshad Manji’s October 25 Service!