Men’s Retreat

There is a lot of interest in a UUCS men’s retreat, including Reverend Rick! We are starting to investigate locations. It will probably a weekend, within an hour of Salem, hopefully this Fall. But… we need an idea of how many MIGHT go…so please send an email to Rick if you are interested. No firm … Continue reading Men’s Retreat

Lift Every Voice

I want to share with you an opportunity to reduce gun violence and make Oregon schools and community spaces safer. Lift Every Voice Oregon has drafted two Initiative Petitions that present common sense gun safety measures. Initiative Petition (IP) 17: Safe Owners and Less Lethal Ammunition– Requires a permit to purchase all firearms– Requires a … Continue reading Lift Every Voice

Social Justice Report – May 2022

This month’s social justice article is about building a social justice culture which is the outward expression of UUCS’s values seen by the greater community. Any religion’s rational for being is the values it professes. What makes a value system a religion is acting on those values. Yes, there is more to a religion than … Continue reading Social Justice Report – May 2022

UUCS Annual Meeting May 15

The Annual UUCS Business Meeting will be held on Sunday May 15, beginning about noon.  This will be a hybrid meeting;  you may attend in person in the Fellowship Hall OR by Zoom. See the 2022 Annual Meeting page for full details, including how to arrange for child care and assign a proxy. This will … Continue reading UUCS Annual Meeting May 15

Monmouth Taiko at UUCS May 13

Enjoy the powerful and charismatic sound of taiko drums on Friday, May 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem. Monmouth Taiko will play traditional and modern compositions of the Japanese drumming music called taiko, with the Japanese flute called fue. Taiko is played on large drums with choreographed dance and … Continue reading Monmouth Taiko at UUCS May 13

Issues Before the General Assembly

At the UUA General Assembly in Portland June 22-26 the UUCS Delegates are Sara Pickett, Ben Cavaletto, Barbara Stebbins-Boaz, Bob Muir, and Joel Martin. Results of June 11 meeting on bylaws of the UUA Amendments, from Sara Pickett. See comments by Sara Pickett, who attended a virtual discussion for delegates June 8, 2022. One of … Continue reading Issues Before the General Assembly

Lots of Firewood Available

The Facilities team needs to find a home for the 2021 ice-storm firewood stacked in Bateman Woods, before next winter. If you are or might be interested in receiving some not later than this September, e-mail or call Tom Lancefield by June 1. We originally thought of selling it, and would accept donations. It is … Continue reading Lots of Firewood Available

Share the Plate Recipient for May, 2022 is Salem Harvest

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is Salem Harvest.  Salem Harvest is a non-profit organization that … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for May, 2022 is Salem Harvest