April 2022 Basha Sale a Success. Thank You!

The UUCS Microfinance Committee held a very successful sale of items made by Basha women in Bangladesh on April 3 and 10. We partnered with Basha which is a non-profit organization that provides a sustainable livelihood for women at risk and survivors of trafficking. Women gain job skills and the opportunity to develop into leaders and entrepreneurs in a healthy, healing, supportive environment. They make beautifully hand crafted items such as blankets, clothing, and table cloths made from recycled saris. If you are interested in ordering any more Basha products, please let us know . You can check out the good work of Basha and their products on their website.

As a result of your support and purchase of Basha items, we will be sending $787 to The NEO Fund for our microfinance projects in Nicaragua and India. We also learned that The NEO Fund is having a challenge campaign so our fundraising dollars will be matched and double the amount that will benefit poor women and families!

The UUCS Microfinance Project is based on the Unitarian Universalist principles that “we covenant to affirm and promote …justice, equity and compassion in human relations” and having a “world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.” More information about our partner organization, The NEO Fund can be found at the NEO fund website.

Our Microfinance Project has been raising funds since 2008, and we have helped women and families in Laos, Peru, Kenya, Nicaragua, and India. We work with a non-profit organization that provides technical support for the people receiving the loan funds. When the loans are repaid, the money circulates back into the community to have a long lasting and growing impact. Small loans are made to people living on the edge, so they can increase their earning power, escape poverty, and make a better, more sustainable living for their families. When the loans are repaid, the money is loaned again so it recirculates in the community, making a long lasting and greater impact. As a result of improved living, our Project has improved the standard of living which has enabled families to send children to school and have better housing, nutrition and health care.