Share the Plate Recipient for February 2023 is Marion Polk Food Share

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is Marion Polk Food Share.  Marion Polk Food Share collects … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for February 2023 is Marion Polk Food Share

Meeting to Follow Sermon January 29

Following the service on January 29, there will be a congregational meeting in the Sanctuary where we may comment and ask questions in reaction to Rev. Rick’s sermon that morning on changes he is seeing within the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). The Committee on Ministry will be listening to the reactions and use this information … Continue reading Meeting to Follow Sermon January 29

Chalice Circles to Discuss Societal Issues-Register by 2/20

Are you interested in an opportunity to participate in small group discussions? A pilot of Chalice Circles (CC), a program that complements Connections/Soul Matters, was planned for February, but has been delayed until March. Like Connections, CC offers monthly discussions led by facilitators, as well as materials containing background/resource information with relevant questions that are … Continue reading Chalice Circles to Discuss Societal Issues-Register by 2/20

Thanks for Making a Difference!

On behalf of the UUCS Microfinance Committee, we are grateful for the continuing support of the UUCS Congregation for microfinance projects that benefit the poorest of the poor in Nicaragua and India. We are pleased to report that our fundraising efforts raised $5,570 which we will be donating to our partner non-profit organization, The NEO … Continue reading Thanks for Making a Difference!

Board Minutes 2022

UUCS Board meeting minutes from 2022 are linked below. Executive Committee and draft minutes are available from the Board Secretary, Board Minutes January 10, 2022 Board Minutes February 14, 2022 Board Minutes March 14, 2022 Special Board Minutes March 28, 2022 Board Minutes April 11, 2022 Special Board Minutes April 14, 2022 Board Minutes … Continue reading Board Minutes 2022