Admire our New Benches!

Before the pandemic, UUCS hired a tree service company to remove some Douglas firs in Bateman Woods that had grown along the barbed wire fence on the east property line. The trees were getting too tall for the site, and starting to shade out some lower branches on a nearby, old white oak tree. Topping … Continue reading Admire our New Benches!

Badges: All You Wanted to Know

Our finely honed system of making and distributing name badges at UUCS still remains a mystery to many people. Here is the management’s attempt to clear up the fog. WHO CAN REQUEST A BADGE? Anyone who regularly attends UUCS may request a badge. You do not have to be a member to have a badge. … Continue reading Badges: All You Wanted to Know

“Sparkle and Clean” September 3

Following our service this Sunday, please join us as you are able in our annual “Sparkle and Clean” activity to spruce up our spiritual home.

Share the Plate Recipient for September 2023 is HOME Youth and Resource Center

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is HOME Youth and Resource Center. HOME Youth and Resource … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for September 2023 is HOME Youth and Resource Center

Help Still Needed for Family Promise August 13-19

UUCS will be hosting families through the Family Promise program from Sunday, August 13 through Sunday morning, August 20. There are still volunteer slots that need to be filled. Sunday, August 13: Evening hostMonday, August 14: Overnight Host, Dinner Host, Evening HostWednesday, August 16: Overnight HostThursday, August 17: Dinner Host, Evening HostFriday, August 18: Overnight … Continue reading Help Still Needed for Family Promise August 13-19

Banned Book Library

YOU are invited to participate in our new BANNED BOOK LIBRARY! Here’s how:

Choir? Check It Out August 24

If you are interested (or simply curious) in the UUCS Choir, our season begins with a rehearsal on Thursday, August 24 at 6:30 pm. We will gather in the sanctuary at UU and connect or reconnect. Hope to see you there! Jon Chinburg, Music Director

Oregon UU Voices for Justice Meets October 14

The OUUVfJ Annual meeting on October 14 is being hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Eugene this year. It will be multiplatform. The theme is Connecting Communities for Justice. Speakers: Rev. Allison Miller, First Unitarian Church, Portland and Brenda Smith, Executive Director of High Desert Partnership. Come join with other UUs from around the … Continue reading Oregon UU Voices for Justice Meets October 14