Thanks for the Help!

Thanks for the Help!

Thanks to Joan Stembridge’s organization and “get -to” attitude the area of Cordon Road that UUCS sponsors is all cleaned up of trash.Merrit Albert, James and Joan Stembridge, Bob Muir, Barbara Stebbins- Boaz, Greg Gregg and Sara Pickett all met Saturday July 16th and spent close to 2 hours picking up trash along the east … Continue reading Thanks for the Help!

Is Gardening Your Happy Place?

Now that our front entry garden has been re-landscaped, it needs a loving, caring hand to keep it at its best. It has recently been tucked under bark dust to discourage the spring weeds and is in good shape. As summer approaches it will need tweaking and watering and will always be open to your … Continue reading Is Gardening Your Happy Place?

Issues Before the General Assembly

At the UUA General Assembly in Portland June 22-26 the UUCS Delegates are Sara Pickett, Ben Cavaletto, Barbara Stebbins-Boaz, Bob Muir, and Joel Martin. Results of June 11 meeting on bylaws of the UUA Amendments, from Sara Pickett. See comments by Sara Pickett, who attended a virtual discussion for delegates June 8, 2022. One of … Continue reading Issues Before the General Assembly

Are You a Candidate?

Every year at the Annual Meeting, the congregation elects members to serve on its Board of Directors. This year we will need to elect a new Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary and three additional director positions. In order to find candidates for the election, the Nominating Committee is currently seeking qualified individuals who are willing to … Continue reading Are You a Candidate?

Choir and Music Volunteers Wanted!

Want a fun, stress relieving activity that provides proven health benefits and is completely FREE? Join choir! The UUCS choir rehearses every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm and performs once a month. Come meet some new people (or say hello to long time friends) and help contribute to the UUCS musical community! Choir too much of a commitment? … Continue reading Choir and Music Volunteers Wanted!

Habitat and Hope Village News

Habitat & Hope Village (HHV) is working to fill a very important service to Salem’s Unsheltered Communities. Progress is being made to house our unhoused citizens with the development of Micro Shelter Communities. Donations have been received for the purchase of one hundred and twenty houses. A big Thank You to everyone who participated in … Continue reading Habitat and Hope Village News

Landscape Cleanup February 19

Join us at UUCS on Saturday February 19 from 9 am to noon to begin the cleanup of leaves, brush, etc. left from the winter storms (which will undoubtedly be over….). There’s a wide range of jobs to accommodate different activity levels. Wear gloves! Bring your favorite yard cleanup implement, labeled with your name. Send … Continue reading Landscape Cleanup February 19