Leadership and Vision Meeting March 6

UUCS chalice cropped to fit to left margin 2017-4-17

Vision and Leadership UU Explorer Society (VaLUUES) is meeting once again. This group is for individuals who volunteer on teams or for anyone thinking of taking on more of a leadership role in the congregation or in the community. We will be exploring what it means to volunteer as a spiritual practice and how leadership can be a journey of self-discovery that honors our unique gifts. Together we will be reading books, watching seminars, and attending online courses to develop our understanding of leadership roles in a spiritual community.

Our first meeting will be on March 6th at 9:00 am, we will talk about what we would like from the group, our goals, and how frequently we would like to meet.
The first book we will be reading together is “Serving with Grace”. Copies of the book will be available in the office and at our first meeting. VaLUUES meetings will be held in person with the option to attend via zoom. If you have any questions, please email kraigpdx@gmail.com