What is membership at UUCS?

Becoming a member is more than just signing a book. Membership at UUCS represents an affirmation of our principles and a deeper connection with our community. It means joining in our search for truth and meaning, our work for justice, and our commitment to being in loving relationship with one another. It also represents a personal investment in the health of our community and the space in which we worship. Members readily and generously give their time, talents and financial resources to support the Mission and Vision of UUCS.

UUCS will provide:

  • Thoughtful and celebrative worship services
  • Pastoral care and counseling
  • Religious Exploration opportunities
  • Child dedications
  • Coming of Age program
  • Community through social and educational events and service opportunities
  • A variety of ongoing support and interest groups

Benefits of membership:

  • You will be a part of a vital and dynamic community of faith and action
  • Your voice will join hundreds of Unitarian Universalists in this and other congregations who speak for social justice, freedom of thought and religious expression, the worth and dignity of every living being, and environmental stewardship
  • Voting members are eligible to make decisions about the budget and other important issues at the Annual Congregational Meeting each May, and any additional special meetings called by the board
  • You’ll receive the quarterly journal of the Unitarian Universalist Association, UU World

We ask that you:

  • Actively pursue your own spiritual path
  • Contribute your time and talents to the life of the institution
  • Make an appropriate financial pledge in accordance with your means

What is required to be a member?

There are 4 requirements, per Article 4 of our Bylaws:

  • Be 16 years of age or over,
  • Have shown sympathy with the Congregation’s purpose as stated in Article II of our Bylaws by signing the Membership Book,
  • Have within the last twelve months made a financial pledge, and
  • Have within the last twelve months made an identifiable financial contribution.

In addition, attendance at the 4-week class “Starting Point: An Introduction to the UU Journey” or consultation with the Membership Committee Chair and the minister is required.

You will not be asked to affirm any particular beliefs or renounce other religious community memberships.

What is the Path to Membership?

The most important part to becoming a member of UUCS is establishing connections in our community. While it is great to see our membership numbers grow, it is more important to UUCS that you spend the time getting to know our congregation, to decide if this is the right fit for you. Membership is more than a number; it is about the connections in our community.
The best way to get started is to attend Sunday services. This is the most direct way to get to know the UUCS community. It is on Sunday mornings that you will learn the “personality” of our congregation, about the causes and programs we support, and about service opportunities.
To help you get to know us better we offer Starting Point: An Introduction to the UU Journey.

This program is open to those who are new to UUCS, long-time members, and everyone in between. It is designed to facilitate deeper connections within our congregation.

Starting Point

Starting Point is open to those new to UUCS, long-time members, and everyone in between. For those who are new to our community, the group can help them decide if this congregation is the right fit for them. For established members, the series is a great way to refresh their personal search for truth and meaning and an opportunity to get to know new friends.

Attending Starting Point or consultation with the Membership Committee Chair and the minister is required before one has the opportunity to sign the membership book.

The program is offered multiple times each year, and is 4 consecutive Sunday afternoons. Facilitated as a connections group, enrollment for Starting Point is only open until the first session begins. Drop-in attendance is not allowed. This creates a safe environment for participants to share as they get to know one another over the course of the sessions.

Session One – Your Journey,  Sharing Our Stories and Spiritual Roadmaps  

Session Two – The Unitarian Universalist Journey & The Journey of Our Church 

Session Three – Our Journey Together, The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part One 

Session Four -The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part Two, Finding Your Journey Group and the opportunity to become a member by signing the membership book.