Immigration Stories

What They Dreamed

Who are your ancestors? Don’t know? Maybe you do after all. A Sunday to honor those whose lives shed light on our own. Bring a photo or image of someone in the past – a grandmother, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi – who you revere for our ‘Ancestral Procession’

A Beloved Forebear

Who are your spiritual ancestors? Who are the great souls whose lives of goodness, courage and compassion inspire you in your own? Come hear the story of one truly exceptional Unitarian forebear, one who has shaped my very ministry.
We will have a Halloween Costume Parade through the Sanctuary.
PLEASE NOTE: For this service we will create an “Ancestral Altar.” Please bring a picture, photo or image of a loved one who has died or perhaps an image of a figure you deeply revere.

Share the plate: UUCS Microfinance Program
Celebrant: Gloria Holland, Anchor: Sara Pickett
Music: Christie Smith