Sara Pickett

Board Chair

I am humbled and honored to serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors for UUCS. Previously, I was a Board Director and Secretary. Other positions include, Worship Team member and was chair, Connections Team co-chair and group facilitator, Homilist, and UUA General Assembly Delegate. I have also been involved with the Partner Church group and often run slides during Sunday service. Professionally, I was the Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon President and Salem Regional Representative.

I became a member of UUCS at the end of 2016, and I quickly noticed three dynamic qualities about UUCS – community, spirituality and social justice. I gravitated towards those qualities that fed me. Combined, these three qualities create a vibrant, loving, ever growing community of which I am glad to be a part.
We are entering into a new period as a congregation as we say goodbye to our beloved minister of 30+ years and collaborate as a community to discern where we want to go and how we will be in relationship with new ministerial leadership. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with all of you in thoughtfully transitioning our community forward.