Relationships or Beliefs?

Relationships or Beliefs?

This will be Theresa I. Soto’s last sermon as the UUCS intern minister. Theresa will reflect on some of the blessings of this time with the congregation. We will have a chance to consider some of the complexity of creating Beloved Community that respects and engages both theist and non-theist belief systems. We will also say goodbye and take time to reflect on the strengths of the congregation’s hospitality and its ethical implications. It will be a great conclusion to a grand adventure.
Celebrant: David Jeffers, Anchor: L.J. Fredrickson
First and Second Service Music: Ted Cory

Who Is My Neighbor?

Rabbi Debra Kolodny and Theresa I. Soto will be presenting on respectful engagement with Judaism, both
for non-Jews and people practicing Unitarian Universalism who identify as Jewish. The Six Sources of Unitarian
Universalism identify Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our
neighbors as ourselves as part of our covenantal context. What does that mean for us today? What does it mean
for people who do not identify with either of those traditions? Come find out more.
Celebrant: Dave Jeffers, Anchor:Gloria Holland
First Service Music: Ryan Amend & Aimee Larsen-Amend
Second Service Music: UUCS Choir