Can You Shape Your Soul?

Beginnings and New Beginnings

Please come join us for a shorter, informal service to stir our spirits before we join in our annual “Sparkle and Clean” activity to spruce up our spiritual home.” Note: In our service we will have a child dedication ceremony for Toma Rohleder.
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There was no YouTube livestream for this service.

What’s On Your Mind?

It’s been an annual tradition for three decades: you come with a question, write it down on a piece of paper, pass it up front, and I’ll answer as many as I can in the time we have available. So, what theological, philosophical, social, political, artistic, etc. type question comes to mind for you? Bring it on, today is the day! Ideas? Beethoven is always good! As is Buddha, Jesus, the Upanishads, why Spumoni Ice cream is the best, whatever you want!
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