It’s A Stretch

It’s A Stretch

Many years ago I shared a large apartment right across from the Zen Buddhist Center in San Francisco with an assortment of other idealistic young spiritual seekers who drifted in and out of my life. One of our more colorful roommates was Luis, a likeable, worldly fellow from a wealthy family in Columbia who had … Continue reading It’s A Stretch

Name Your Poison

It may be time to give “sin” a rest. But the reality it names can still cause harm. Is there another way to look at

What They Dreamed

Who are your ancestors? Don’t know? Maybe you do after all. A Sunday to honor those whose lives shed light on our own. Bring a photo or image of someone in the past – a grandmother, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi – who you revere for our ‘Ancestral Procession’

Who is Creative

Who is Creative? What is art? What does this mean for you? Please join rev rick and members of the Art Works committee as we reflect upon the spiritual role of art in our lives.

Share the plate: Partner Church
Celebrant: Steve Rosen, Anchor: Becky Harrison
Music: Barbara Stebbins-Boaz

Safely Through the Rapids

All relationships have their challenging moments. To help guide us through such times come help us as we begin the process of Refining our Covenant of Right Relations.
Share the plate: Family Promise of the Mid-Willamette Valley
Celebrant: Janet Stevens
Anchors: David Gortner and Tom Ellis
Music: Laura Christian and Guy Hallman

Rev. Rick’s Q & A Sunday

It’s a tradition – once a year Rev Rick fields written questions submitted during worship. So, what question is arising in your mind that you’d like him to address during this worship service before he heads off on his 3 month sabbatical.

Share the plate: Partner Church
Celebrant: Laura Christian, Anchor: Sara Pickett
Music: Zak Zundel

What About God

As Unitarian Uninversalists we have no common understanding about matters of theological belief. Is there a God? Or not? Some of us say “yes”, some say “no”, some say “I don’t know” and some say “what do you mean by God? Resolving this question is beyond the scope of this sermon, but looking at this from various angles can be a good exercise in enlarging our understanding.

Share the plate: Microfinance
Celebrant: Lennie Martin, Anchor: David Gortner
Music: Monica Belzer and Johnny Fang, violin; Linda Asbury, viola; George Struble, cello

Living Our Covenant

What does it mean to be in “covenantal relations” with others?
Centering Thought: “When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them.”
― Martin Buber

Celebrant: Lennie Martin, Anchor: David Gortner
First and Second Service Music: Ted Cory

Who’s The Boss of Me?

What internal voices do we listen to in our daily lives? Where do they lead you? Something to consider.

Share the plate: Center for Hope and Safety
Celebrant: Gloria Holland, Anchor: Lennie Martin
Music: Ted Cory