Streaming September 6

On September 6, we tried our first Live Stream! There was a little hiccup with the “stream” part, but that should be fixed now, and the recording of the service went quickly up, so folks did get to see it on Sunday. The few people that were in the Sanctuary needed to create this service … Continue reading Streaming September 6

Join the Engagement Team

Volunteers are needed to make connections in our UU community. The membership team is starting an “Engagement Team” to do quick check-ins with members/friends. This has become especially important in this time of isolation. Members of the Engagement Team would have a list of UUCS members/friends to call quarterly. A script will be provided to … Continue reading Join the Engagement Team

Share the Plate Recipient for September 2020 is Causa

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is CAUSA.  Causa is Oregon’s immigrant rights organization. Causa works … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for September 2020 is Causa

Help Save the Plants!

A plea from the UUCS indoor plants: “We are in desperate need of quality care. Since the closing of the building, our care has been neglected. We lack the human interactions, water and nutrients and regular care that we need to thrive. Sadly, some of our fellow indoor friends have died. If you have any … Continue reading Help Save the Plants!