Microfinance Sells Crafts, Seeks Donations after November 13 Service

Thank you very much for your donations and Sparrow purchases last Sunday! This coming Sunday, lovely wood products from Sparrow Furniture and Home Goods will again be available for purchase in the Fellowship Hall after the service. Your donations and purchases will support small loans to very poor people in Nicaragua and India, as well … Continue reading Microfinance Sells Crafts, Seeks Donations after November 13 Service

Weaving Class November 5

Join Faith Rockenstein for a weaving class for all levels, ages 18 or over on Saturday, November 5 at 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. $100.Saturday, November 5, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. $100. All materials are provided. Bring your lunch..Sign up here. Or call the office during open hours. Faith Rockenstein is a professional artist … Continue reading Weaving Class November 5

Parents Social Luncheon November 6

Families! Plan on staying for lunch on November 6 at 12:00 pm after the service. Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a Parents Social Luncheon. Get to know the LRE Team, Volunteers and build/rebuild friendships with other UUCS Families with games and food. Free! Child care provided.Questions? Contact Molly Brown, DLRE@uusalem.org

Free Garden Produce

See the table in the Fellowship Hall: leave some cleaned fresh fruits and veggies from your garden or take some fruits/veggies.For our first two veggie exchanges, folks left some tomatoes, onions, plums, and squash. All items were taken home by others at our church. I heard some very positive responses to our veggie exchange, so … Continue reading Free Garden Produce

Habitat and Hope October Update

The Habitat and Hope Village Board appreciates all that the UUCS congregation has done for us since our organization’s birth in April 2018. It became clear a year ago that our vision of developing a transitional shelter on UUCS property would not be allowed under current zoning rules. Those who had pledged funds for A … Continue reading Habitat and Hope October Update

Behind the Chalice for October 2022 –Sara Pickett

Name: Sara PickettPosition/s for Sunday Services: Lots of different ones, Celebrant, Homilist, VideoEngineer, Sound (still learning), Production Coordinator, Worship Team Chair.What do you most like about your position/s: They are all creative in different ways,all connect with each other and with others that help with the Sunday Service, and allallow for spiritual growth as well … Continue reading Behind the Chalice for October 2022 –Sara Pickett