Dancing the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer

On Saturday, April 8, from 3 to 5 pm in the UUCS Fellowship Hall, join us for “Dancing the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer” sponsored by the Dances of Universal Peace. Suggested donation is $10 to $30. Historians broadly agree, Jesus spoke Aramaic, a markedly different language from the Greek from which the King James version of … Continue reading Dancing the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer

Jolly Diners Meet April 20

Eleven Courageous Salem Unitarian Universalists braved 60 degree weather and sunshine to go to Marco Polo restaurant and share a meal and enjoyment on March 16th. We are doing it again on Thursday April 20th at 6 pm at Marco Polo Restaurant. The theme is Be Positive and Share Your Joy. All identifying as hungry … Continue reading Jolly Diners Meet April 20

Latin and Ballroom Classes

Join us for beginning ballroom dancing classes this spring. Payment is due at the first class, on April 12. The possible dances we may cover are Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, Tango, Cha Cha, and Salsa. No partner is necessary. Youth are welcome. Unfortunately, we cannot offer childcare for this series of classes. ASL interpreting is available … Continue reading Latin and Ballroom Classes

Social Justice Survey

You can help the Social Justice Team understand UUCS’s social justice priorities by taking a brief 3-minute survey. It asks about how you spend your time and money on social justice activities. This is done to understand members’ social justice priorities and identify if members have shared social justice interests. The survey also asks what … Continue reading Social Justice Survey

Help Needed with UUCS EarthWISE Certification

The Facilities Team is looking for someone to lead our EarthWISE re-certification effort. UUCS is recognized by Marion County for our conservation practices by being certified as EarthWISE. It evaluates a business’s energy conservation, water conservation, recycling, waste reduction, purchasing, and conservation culture. To retain our EarthWISE certification we need to be re-certified. It involves … Continue reading Help Needed with UUCS EarthWISE Certification

Youth: Go Bowling Over Spring Break

Middle and High schoolers are invited to join the youth group for bowling at the Rec for bowling, 3500 River Rd N, Keizer, Oregon. RSVP by March 21th to LRE.team@UUsalem.org