Volunteers Needed for 2017 Pledge Drive

Volunteers Needed for 2017 Pledge Drive

 This coming year we are doing something new with our annual pledge drive, offering activities to help us: 1) deepen our relationships, 2) discover what our hopes and dreams are for UUCS and our surrounding community, and 3) continue creating a congregational culture grounded in abundance and generosity. The annual pledge drive is something we … Continue reading Volunteers Needed for 2017 Pledge Drive

Successful PIE Day Fundraiser!

Thanks to all the donors, fruit pickers, packers and freezers, to the pie makers and bakers and go-fers and cleaners! We had another successful PIE Day on November 19 with about 20 people making fruit pies, and another 5 bakers at a separate site making gluten free pies. All profits went to UUCS. We equaled … Continue reading Successful PIE Day Fundraiser!

Cordon Road Cleanup December 3

Please come and help with the Cordon Road Cleanup effort takes place December 3, 2016 from 9 am to 12 noon. Twice a year, the UUCS congregation has the opportunity to clean Cordon Road which runs adjacent to our property. With some dedicated volunteers showing up to keep this one-mile stretch of road clean we can have our name on the Adopt-a-Road sign. In April … Continue reading Cordon Road Cleanup December 3

Volunteer for the Finance Team

If you are interested in any aspect of finance there are short term and long term opportunities. We are forming two ad hoc committees. One committee will explore the electronic tools available to facilitate giving at the collection plate. The second committee will explore how to increase income from renting the building while striking a … Continue reading Volunteer for the Finance Team

Facebook Guru Needed

Love Facebook? Want to help UUCS? We are looking for a replacement for our retiring UUCS Facebook guru, Chad Halsey. As UUCS Facebook administrator, you would generate posts to inform the community of congregational events and news and educate the community about UU principles. Through Facebook we connect the congregation with UUs across the state, … Continue reading Facebook Guru Needed

Landscape Work Party October 22

Please join us on October 22 at 9:30am as we tidy up our grounds before winter.  The Salem Covenant of UU Pagans (SCUUPs) s is sponsoring a landscape work party.  We need help moving cardboard to the woods, moving all the piles of woodchips down to the woods, chipping leaves and small branches, mulching both garden … Continue reading Landscape Work Party October 22