Red Cross Blood Drive At UUCS December 23

American Red Cross logo downloaded 2016-12-1

American Red Cross logo downloaded 2016-12-1On December 23, we will host a Red Cross blood drive in the Fellowship Hall.  This is an important time to give blood as holiday donations sharply drop off even though the need increases. We have been given 40 slots to fill between 1-6pm.  This is also a 2RBC event;  a Double Red Blood Cell collection.  Please remember to eat a couple of hours before donating.  Last time, several people were turned away because they hadn’t eaten before giving. 

To sign up to donate on December 23, go to  using sponsor code uusalem,  or call 1-800-733-2767 or sign up in the Fellowship Hall.  Please share this far and wide so we can have a completely filled blood drive schedule.  For more information contact Angela Gross,  UUCS drive coordinator