New Connections Group Starts in January

Finding Our Future Continues

What’s important to you about UUCS, now and in the future? Creating new vision and mission statements to guide our congregational future means gathering ideas from as many of you as possible. We heard from some of you at the first Finding Our Future event in September, but we’d love to hear from everyone. If you didn’t … Continue reading Finding Our Future Continues

Giving Tree Returns

UUCS is supporting the Mindful Organization for the Recovery of Psychological Health (M.O.R.P.H.) in their efforts to reduce the stress of the Holidays on people with significant mental health conditions who are lacking support from friends or family. The giving tree in the entryway has tags which suggest a gift for an individual. The gift … Continue reading Giving Tree Returns

Sock, Glove and Hat Drive

The houseless need socks, gloves, and hats to keep warm and healthy this winter. Through December there will be a collection box in the entry way for donated socks, gloves, and hats. John Prohodsky

Gift Wrapping Fundraiser for LRE

The LRE Youth Group is putting on a Gift Wrapping Fundraiser this year! Bring your gifts to drop off in the LRE Wing before Sunday Service on December 4th, 11th and/or the 18th and they will be wrapped beautifully for you to pick up on your way out.We will have a wonderful assortment of wrapping … Continue reading Gift Wrapping Fundraiser for LRE