Share the Plate Recipient for December 2018 is the Center for Hope and Safety

Share the Plate Recipient for December 2018 is the Center for Hope and Safety

The Center for Hope and Safety (formerly Mid-Valley Women’s Crisis Service) offers a safe refuge and support to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking. Our programs and services inform survivors of their options and support them in their choices. A cornerstone of our philosophy is respect for the rights … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for December 2018 is the Center for Hope and Safety

UUA General Assembly in Spokane June 19-23 – Registration Opens March 1

General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates. The 2019 General Assembly will be June 19-23 in Spokane, Washington. Most General Assembly events will be held in … Continue reading UUA General Assembly in Spokane June 19-23 – Registration Opens March 1

Salem Speaks Up! December 10

Save the Date for Salem Speaks Up! December 10 The 26th annual Salem Speaks Up! will be held Monday, December 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Micah Building, 680 State Street NE. The date commemorates the 70th anniversary of the UN declaration of human rights. The event features an open microphone so that members … Continue reading Salem Speaks Up! December 10

Human Rights Symposium November 13

A symposium entitled, “Human Rights and Current U.S. Immigration Policy,” will be held on Tuesday, November 13, at 6:30 pm, in the Fellowship Hall (downstairs) of St. Mark Lutheran Church, at 790 Marion St. NE, Salem, OR. The symposium is cosponsored by Fellowship of Reconciliation-Salem, Oregon PeaceWorks, and United Nations Association-Salem. Admission is free and … Continue reading Human Rights Symposium November 13

Remember to Vote by November 6!

On May 20, 2018, our Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem voted to support a “No Vote” on Measure 105. This is an unjust measure that violates our shared values. Oregon UU Voices for Justice and First Unitarian of Portland along with HealthCare for All Oregon have recommendations for all five statewide ballot measures. Please stop … Continue reading Remember to Vote by November 6!

Benefit Concert November 10 Save the Salem Peace Mosaic.

What Salem landmark was created by 600 community volunteers and involved 26,000 pieces? You guessed it: the Salem Peace Mosaic, which front the YMCA building on Court Street. This remarkable project, originally created under the direction of artist Lynn Takata in 2011, is in danger! When the YMCA demolishes the current structure to replace it … Continue reading Benefit Concert November 10 Save the Salem Peace Mosaic.