About ten years ago, singer Ben Lee wrote, “Woke up this morning, I suddenly realized: we’re all in this together.” In addition to making a catchy song, these words are useful for our religious lives.
Centering Thought: If what we want for our people is patriotism, then let us inspire true love of country by invoking the land herself. If we want to raise good leaders, let us remind our children of the eagle and the maple. If we want to grow good citizens, then let us teach reciprocity. If what we aspire to is justice for all, then let it be justice for all Creation. – Robin Wall Kimmerer
Share the plate: Minister’s Discretionary Fund
Celebrant: Gloria Holland, Anchor: Benjahmin Boschee
First service music: UUCS Choir
Second service music: Ryan Amend and Aimee Larsen-Amend
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