Water Communion

In our religious tradition two unique rituals that bookend our congregational year remind us of our place in the greater scheme of life. Our Flower Communion in June reminds us to feel honest pride in our unique selves and how this enriches the whole. Our Annual Water Communion reminds us to recognize our unique call to serve and participate in something greater than the individual self. Have a small container of water on hand for participation in our first virtual Water Communion ritual.

Centering Thought: The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It is content with the low places that people disdain. Thus it is like the Tao. – Lao Tau

Share the plate: Causa
Contribute to Time for Generosity

Celebrant: Janet Stevens
Music: Kit Abrahamson and Laura Christian

Read or Submit Joys and Concerns

NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the recording linked below is only part of the service. The production team is evaluating options for providing the entire service.

