Mourning into Dancing

Rabbi Yisraela Tubman will be offering the message for the August 9 service entitled Mourning into Dancing. She serves as a Community Rabbi in Salem.

She settled here in 2014, coming most recently from Los Angeles. She was ordained by the Academy for Jewish Religion, CA in 2012. Rabbi Tubman served as Associate Rabbi at Congregation Valley Beth Israel in Sun Valley, CA from 2012-2014. As a community rabbi, her work includes life cycle events, pastoral counseling, social action and outreach. Throughout her rabbinic career Rabbi Tubman has facilitated Jewish women’s groups focusing on integrating Jewish women’s spirituality into a patriarchal tradition.

For the August 9 service, she will be discussing “How are we to turn mourning into dancing?”. Dealing with all of the current changes in our day to day lives has taken an emotional toll on us. We grieve our losses: of freedom; of mobility; of physical connection with our loved ones; myth of racial justice; political integrity; and the list goes on. Once we face our grieving selves, who do we turn to for guidance or support? What tools do we use? How do we choose a path? When we start answering these questions for ourselves, then we have the material from which we can create a new framework for a positive reality.

Centering Thought: You have transformed my mourning into dancing for me. You undid my sackcloth and girded me with joy. – Psalm 30:12

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Celebrant: Janet Stevens
Music: Kit Abrahamson and Laura Christian

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