Share the Plate Recipient for April, 2024 is the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community or in our congregation which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.  The … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for April, 2024 is the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

Easter Egg Hunt

We are having a Community Easter Egg Hunt at 12:30 pm on Sunday, March 31. Join us at UUCS for face painting, a bounce house, arts & crafts and a coffee/hot cocoa bar with treats! We would love as many volunteers as possible! Please email me, , or text/call me for details. If you’re able to … Continue reading Easter Egg Hunt

Women’s Alliance Meets April 10

The monthly meeting of Women’s Alliance will be April 10, 2:00-3:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Guest speaker this month is Tania Wilson Moran, Volunteer Coordinator for Salem for Refugees. All are welcome to attend Women Alliance meetings! Food and beverage is always served. Salem for Refugees is a refugee resettlement agency providing services to refugees … Continue reading Women’s Alliance Meets April 10

Seeking Input for Transforming Hearts Service May 5

The service on May 5 will be “”Transforming Hearts: Supporting the trans folks in our lives.” Our speakers from Basic Rights Oregon are asking for your questions and concerns so that they can address them during the service. Please email questions and concerns about trans issues to Eric Schuman at

Supporting Death with Dignity

Volunteers needed to join four UUs and others in the End of Life Choices Oregon Salem team. We help people considering Oregon’s Death with Dignity law with education and family support. We work with hospices and include health care professionals and lay persons who support choice at the end of life. Contact Margrethe Gregg or Steve … Continue reading Supporting Death with Dignity

Why are They Wearing Green Stoles?

Courtesy of fabric artist Leslie Zeigen, all of our Lifelines Lay Ministers now have stoles to identify themselves to members and friends at UUCS. You are invited to speak to any of us to share grief, challenges and joys in your life. You can also contact us at

Team Council Meeting March 10

There will be a Team Council Meeting March 10 at 12 pm in the Blue Room (in the LRE wing).The Team Council is tasked with coordination of all UUCS recognized teams and affiliated ministries. It serves as a collective conduit for communication with the UUCS Board under the coordination of the UUCS Board Vice Chair. … Continue reading Team Council Meeting March 10