Animal Blessing Sunday October 1

Bring your low stress pet or email your pet’s picture by Friday, September 29Subject Line: PETSInclude your First &Last namesYour pet’s nameOne sentence comment if you desireto:

Parents’ Night Out September 29

Mark your calendar for Children’s Movie Night and Parents’ Night Out! We provide dinner, games and a movie (the newly released movie, Elemental) on a big screen on September 29 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm Childcare will be by volunteers that are background check approved and First Aid/CPR certified. Cost is $20 per child or $30 … Continue reading Parents’ Night Out September 29

Roy Zimmerman September 22

He’s Coming Back! Roy Zimmerman Is Coming Back to UUCS in September! He shows up here regularly like a “good penny” with his progressive take on our times. He’ll have several new songs and stories to tell. In a recent message to us Roy said “Melanie and I are working on a new album of … Continue reading Roy Zimmerman September 22

2024 General Assembly Delegates Needed

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) for conducting business of the Association. As a democratic organization, UUA has member delegates vote on issues in front of the Association.  Our congregation can have 5 voting delegates and next year’s meeting will be virtual, making it more feasible for delegates to … Continue reading 2024 General Assembly Delegates Needed

Meet Our Board September 17

What are you doing Sunday September 17 after the service?  Well, the UUCS Board is going to be waiting for you in the Sanctuary, their coffee cups in hand, to chat about various things.  Maybe start off – who is on the Board anyway?  Update on the Ministerial Search process (no we aren’t kicking Rev. Rick … Continue reading Meet Our Board September 17

Water Communion September 10

Water Communion Sunday, September 10, is the official start of the liturgical year. Bring a small vessel of water to symbolize what the gift of water means to you.  It could represent some place you have been recently, or the gratitude for the recent brief sprinkling from the sky, or just gliding on this beautiful … Continue reading Water Communion September 10

Board Minutes 2023

UUCS Board minutes are listed below. Executive Committee and draft minutes are available from the Board Secretary, Board Minutes January 9, 2023 Board Minutes February 13, 2023 Board Minutes March 13, 2023 Board Minutes April 10, 2023 Board Minutes May 8, 2023 Board Minutes June 12, 2023 Board Minutes July 10, 2023 Board Minutes … Continue reading Board Minutes 2023