Looking for Hosts for Summer Services

Landscape Work Party May 15 9 to noon

Come join the Landscape Work Party scheduled for this Saturday, May 15th, 9am–Noon at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem. Bring gloves and tools you may need. Contact Steve Rosen for details.

Habitat and Hope Begins Funding Campaign

Edit Habitat and Hope Village reports that financial support for “A Women’s Shelter of Hope” planned for UUCS property is receiving strong interest from others outside the UUCS community. Their pending commitments are contingent on completion of the memorandum of understanding with Arches and finalization of the land use agreement with UUCS for the building … Continue reading Habitat and Hope Begins Funding Campaign

Sing with Our Virtual Choir!

The UUCS choir is collaborating for some virtual singing! All levels of musicians are welcome. If you are interested in joining us, please email Kit at kit.abrahamson@gmail.com.

Is It Your Turn to Serve?

The Nominating Committee needs help! There are positions to be filled. We need a Board Vice Chair, who can eventually step up to Chair. And we have two Board member positions to fill, as well as a position on the Nominating Committee. If you are interested in any of these, please contact one of the … Continue reading Is It Your Turn to Serve?