Team Council Meeting December 3

Team Council Meeting December 3

Team Council will meet December 3 in the Green Room from 12 pm to 1:30 pm. All leaders of teams, committees, affiliated ministries, and interested parties are invited to attend. There will be discussion of the Organizational Chart, fundraising, Strategic Plan goals, and the Transitional Minister hire.

Jolly Diners December 13

Jolly Diners ride again in December! Join us on December 13 at 6:00 pm at Marco Polo Restaurant. This is a perfect way to prepare for holiday stress! The spirit of Jolly Diners is guaranteed to get you through the holiday season with good cheer! Come one, come all to Marco Polo Restaurant, where all … Continue reading Jolly Diners December 13

Board Forum November 19 Will Be On Safety, Ministerial Search

The November 19 Board Forum will include an update on the process of the Interim Ministerial Search and also a report from the Safety Team. Please bring your questions and concerns. See you after the service in the sanctuary. – The Board

Order Farm Worker Christmas Wreaths

The women of this farm workers cooperative, Mujeres Luchadores Progresistas (Women Striving for Progress), are selling 24-inch wreaths made of noble fir, pine cones, and holly for $40. They can be purchased in Hanneman Hall after Sunday Service on November 12, 19 and 26. Checks should be made out to MLP with “wreath” in the … Continue reading Order Farm Worker Christmas Wreaths

Facebook Help Wanted

Love to Facebook? Want to help UUCS for about 2-5 hours per month, all from home? We need a Facebook editor, familiar with Facebook, very comfortable with email, and willing to be trained on Trello, our workspace organizer (it’s easy!). We write the words, usually provide a picture, and you just post it. Contact

Microfinance Quilt Sale a Success!

The quilt sale for the UUCS Microfinance project is over, and all quilts were sold.  The Microfinance Committee thanks the Congregation for your purchases and contributions.  More contributions can be sent to the church with a “MICROFINANCE” notation.  The funds will make a huge difference in the lives of some of the poorest of the poor in Nicaragua … Continue reading Microfinance Quilt Sale a Success!