Register now for Chalice Circles and Connections Groups

Meditation Tuesdays at 7 pm

Tuesdays at 7 pm everyone is welcome to join us in our sanctuary for guided and silent meditation followed by tea and discussion. The first text for our discussion will be Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron’s When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Note: If you meditate on a cushion, please bring one until … Continue reading Meditation Tuesdays at 7 pm

Chalice Circles to Resume in January

Chalice Circles (CC), a program of small group discussions that was introduced last spring at UUCS, has been highly successful. Chalice Circles focuses on external issues/opinions, in contrast to Connections/Soul matters groups that focus on introspection and feelings. They both foster relationships through discussions, and they both have discussion materials with readings/videos for preparation, as … Continue reading Chalice Circles to Resume in January

Join Starting Point to Explore UU Roots

Join Starting Point, which will cover the historical and theological roots of Unitarian Universalism. This experiential group involves the participants personally, through the sharing of their spiritual journeys, and provides guidance on how to get involved in the life of the congregation. For those who are new to our community, the group can help them … Continue reading Join Starting Point to Explore UU Roots

Memoir Writing Class in January

Everyone has a story to tell. If you’ve ever considered that you might want to write your story down, put your journey into words, leave a written legacy as a gift to your family, now is the time to get that adventure started! Gloria Holland, a retired English teacher and printed memoir writer, will gently … Continue reading Memoir Writing Class in January

Life Story Group Registration Now!

Please join 3 Life Story Group meetings on 10/9, 11/13 and 12/11 from 2 pm – 3:30 pm at UUCS in Hanneman Hall (extra space for the Covid-wary). A free 26-page manual will be provided based on the 2-page technique (sharing limited to 2-pages/5 min–explained in the manual). Six to ten participants (preference to those … Continue reading Life Story Group Registration Now!