Shower Trailer Nears Completion

Shower Trailer Nears Completion

The first movable shower trailer for use by people living in their supervised micro-shelter communities in the Salem area, “Shower Trailer Number One” is nearing completion with roll-out now scheduled for late June. The movable shower trailer was purchased by Habitat and Hope Village, Inc. and built-in Salem by Edomo, Inc., and will be donated … Continue reading Shower Trailer Nears Completion

Lift Every Voice

I want to share with you an opportunity to reduce gun violence and make Oregon schools and community spaces safer. Lift Every Voice Oregon has drafted two Initiative Petitions that present common sense gun safety measures. Initiative Petition (IP) 17: Safe Owners and Less Lethal Ammunition– Requires a permit to purchase all firearms– Requires a … Continue reading Lift Every Voice

Social Justice Report – May 2022

This month’s social justice article is about building a social justice culture which is the outward expression of UUCS’s values seen by the greater community. Any religion’s rational for being is the values it professes. What makes a value system a religion is acting on those values. Yes, there is more to a religion than … Continue reading Social Justice Report – May 2022

Share the Plate Recipient for May, 2022 is Salem Harvest

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is Salem Harvest.  Salem Harvest is a non-profit organization that … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for May, 2022 is Salem Harvest

Basha Sale Continues April 10

The UUCS Microfinance Committee invites you to check out and purchase Basha products after the service on April 10 in the Fellowship Hall. These beautiful items, made by Bangladeshi women, include blankets, scarves, bags and clothing. The proceeds of the sale will benefit the women as well as our projects in Nicaragua and India. Examples … Continue reading Basha Sale Continues April 10

Share the Plate Recipient for April 2022 is the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is Family Promise.  The Minister’s Discretionary Fund provides invaluable assistance … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for April 2022 is the Minister’s Discretionary Fund

How Did the UUCS Microfinance Committee Select a Non-Profit Partner Organization?

We began the Microfinance Committee because we were inspired by our minister, Rev. Rick Davis, who implored the congregation to do something about global poverty. We were also inspired by the work and principles established by Nobel Prize laureate Mohammad Yunus.   We located our partner organizations through contacts that one of our committee members, … Continue reading How Did the UUCS Microfinance Committee Select a Non-Profit Partner Organization?