Social Justice Meeting August 4, 2022

Social Justice Meeting August 4, 2022

Working on a Political Campaign is a Social Justice ActionNote: There will be a social justice meeting Thursday, August 4 at 7 pm. Here is the Zoom link. All are welcome to attend. Politics cannot be divorced from social justice. Politics influence which social justice issues are prioritizedand the approach to addressing an issue. It … Continue reading Social Justice Meeting August 4, 2022

UUA Considering Big Changes

We in UUCS regularly affirm our desire for respectful relationships with each other, our local community, and the wider world. One such relationship is with our Unitarian Universalist Association, where big things are happening! I was one of the 5 delegates representing UUCS at the UUA General Assembly (GA) in June which approved a resolution … Continue reading UUA Considering Big Changes

Thanks for the Help!

Thanks to Joan Stembridge’s organization and “get -to” attitude the area of Cordon Road that UUCS sponsors is all cleaned up of trash.Merrit Albert, James and Joan Stembridge, Bob Muir, Barbara Stebbins- Boaz, Greg Gregg and Sara Pickett all met Saturday July 16th and spent close to 2 hours picking up trash along the east … Continue reading Thanks for the Help!

Gun Safety Measure on the Ballot!

WE DID IT!!Lift Every Voice Oregon was SUCCESSFUL in getting the initiative on Gun Safety onto the November ballot!This is great news! UUCS members actively participated in collecting signatures for this initiative. Thank you so much! There will be a strong effort led by Lift Every Voice Oregon to get this ballot measure passed in … Continue reading Gun Safety Measure on the Ballot!

UUA GA Outcome of Elections and Voting

Hi Fellow UUCS Congregational Members and Friends,Well, GA 2022 is over, and we – Ben, Barbara, Bob, Joel and Sara – your delegates- were able to take advantage of the multi-platform presentation to attend business and workshops either virtually, in-person or both. More articles are on their way, about the Article II Committee, what “Normal” … Continue reading UUA GA Outcome of Elections and Voting

Share the Plate Recipient for July 2022 is Oregon Black Pioneers

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is Oregon Black Pioneers.  The vision of Oregon Black Pioneers … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for July 2022 is Oregon Black Pioneers

Share the Plate Recipient for June 2022 is the Nellie Thompson-Dorothy Patch Scholarship Fund

What is Share the Plate?  During each Sunday service, we take a collection. This voluntarily given money is then shared between our congregation and an organization from the local community which has goals that align with Unitarian Universalist principles. This month’s Share the Plate recipient is the Thompson-Patch Scholarship Fund.  The Nellie Thompson-Dorothy Patch Scholarship … Continue reading Share the Plate Recipient for June 2022 is the Nellie Thompson-Dorothy Patch Scholarship Fund