Board Game Night May 12

Board Game Night May 12

The LRE Team is looking for a new host for Game Nights on the second Friday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall at the church. Contact the LRE team at . People may bring their own games and set up at a table or pick from one of the games we have … Continue reading Board Game Night May 12

Community Easter Egg Hunt

Everyone is welcome to a Community Easter Egg Hunt on April 9. Registration will be at 12:30 am after the service, and the hunt will start at 1 pm. There will be a bounce house, crafts, coffee and pastries, and The Easter Bunny!! If you’d like to donate eggs for the hunt or volunteer, contact Molly.

Jolly Diners Meet April 20

Eleven Courageous Salem Unitarian Universalists braved 60 degree weather and sunshine to go to Marco Polo restaurant and share a meal and enjoyment on March 16th. We are doing it again on Thursday April 20th at 6 pm at Marco Polo Restaurant. The theme is Be Positive and Share Your Joy. All identifying as hungry … Continue reading Jolly Diners Meet April 20

Youth: Go Bowling Over Spring Break

Middle and High schoolers are invited to join the youth group for bowling at the Rec for bowling, 3500 River Rd N, Keizer, Oregon. RSVP by March 21th to

Starting Point for Newcomers and Current Members Begins April 2

Starting Point is a four-session experiential group facilitated by the Membership Team. Participants will learn the historical and theological roots of Unitarian Universalism, have a chance share their spiritual journeys, and receive suggestions on how they can become more involved in the life of the congregation. Its purpose is to help newcomers decide if this … Continue reading Starting Point for Newcomers and Current Members Begins April 2

Learn about Work of UU International Women’s Convocation March 8

You are invited to attend a presentation at 2 pm on Wednesday, March 8 in Hanneman Hall on the exciting work of the UU International Women’s Convocation (IWC) around the world. IWC projects include: Ukrainian refugee relief through its Transylvanian Unitarian Women partners, leadership training to indigenous women working on domestic violence, COVID education and … Continue reading Learn about Work of UU International Women’s Convocation March 8

Jolly Diners is Back February 23

Jolly Diners is back!. We were meeting before COVID, and it’s time to meet again! The purpose of Jolly Diners is to gather happily, over a meal, with positive, joyful discussion. We will meet at Marco Polo restaurant at 6 pm on Thursday, February 23. It has a great variety of food options.Please RSVP to … Continue reading Jolly Diners is Back February 23