Board Minutes 2024

Board Minutes 2024

UUCS Board minutes are listed below. Executive Committee and draft minutes are available from the Board Secretary, Board Minutes January 8, 2024 Board Minutes February 12, 2024 Board Minutes March 11, 2024 Board Minutes April 8, 2024 Board Retreat Minutes April, 2024 Board Minutes May 13, 2024 Board Minutes June 10, 2024 Board Minutes Special … Continue reading Board Minutes 2024

Attend Board Forum October 15

Following the service on October 15, get your coffee and treat and then come back into the Sanctuary at noon to chat with the UUCS Board members. You will be able to learn more about all the improvements Facilities Team has been doing this year, check on any news regarding the Ministerial Search, and bring … Continue reading Attend Board Forum October 15

Board Minutes 2023

UUCS Board minutes are listed below. Executive Committee and draft minutes are available from the Board Secretary, Board Minutes January 9, 2023 Board Minutes February 13, 2023 Board Minutes March 13, 2023 Board Minutes April 10, 2023 Board Minutes May 8, 2023 Board Minutes June 12, 2023 Board Minutes July 10, 2023 Board Minutes … Continue reading Board Minutes 2023

Board Minutes 2022

UUCS Board meeting minutes from 2022 are linked below. Executive Committee and draft minutes are available from the Board Secretary, Board Minutes January 10, 2022 Board Minutes February 14, 2022 Board Minutes March 14, 2022 Special Board Minutes March 28, 2022 Board Minutes April 11, 2022 Special Board Minutes April 14, 2022 Board Minutes … Continue reading Board Minutes 2022

UUCS Annual Meeting May 15

The Annual UUCS Business Meeting will be held on Sunday May 15, beginning about noon.  This will be a hybrid meeting;  you may attend in person in the Fellowship Hall OR by Zoom. See the 2022 Annual Meeting page for full details, including how to arrange for child care and assign a proxy. This will … Continue reading UUCS Annual Meeting May 15

Are You a Candidate?

Every year at the Annual Meeting, the congregation elects members to serve on its Board of Directors. This year we will need to elect a new Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary and three additional director positions. In order to find candidates for the election, the Nominating Committee is currently seeking qualified individuals who are willing to … Continue reading Are You a Candidate?

Board Minutes 2021

UUCS Board meeting minutes from 2021 are linked below. Executive Committee and draft minutes are available from the Board Secretary, Board Minutes January 11, 2021 Board Minutes February 8, 2021 Board Minutes March 8, 2021 Board Minutes April 12, 2021 Special Board Minutes April 29, 2021 Board Minutes May 10, 2021 Board Minutes June … Continue reading Board Minutes 2021