Salem Interfaith Hospitality Network (SIHN) November 6-13

Salem Interfaith Hospitality Network logo

SIHN-Hands-1024x979As most of you know, each season our congregation hosts three to four homeless families with children for one week at our church.  These families arrive at 5:30 pm each evening, have dinner here, spend the night in the RE rooms, breakfast at 6:30 am, and are off by 7:00 am to the Day Center. There the families have access to computers, family and financial counseling, and daycare as the parents search for work and housing for their families.

18 churches Salem-wide currently participate in this program, each taking a one week turn at hosting families.  Our turn begins on Sunday, November 6, and ends the following Sunday, November 13.

Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve dinners, spend the night, prepare early continental breakfast, or two hours one night just spending time with the families, helping with homework, reading stories, even painting fingernails!

Please look for the SIHN info table during coffee hour.  Stephanie or Denise will gladly answer your questions and sign you up for an evening! Or contact them at