Starting Point: for Visitors, Old and New Members

Starting Point is a 4-week experiential group running Sundays: October 20 and 27, and November 3 and 10 from 12 to 2 at the church. Lunch will be provided. The series covers the historical and theological roots of Unitarian Universalism. It involves the participants personally through the sharing of their spiritual journeys, and provides guidance on how to get involved in the life of the congregation.

For those who are new to our community, the group can help them decide if this congregation is the right fit for them. If it is, there will be an opportunity to sign the membership book at the end of the last session. For established members, the series is a great way to refresh their personal search for truth and meaning and an opportunity to get to know new friends. All are welcome to join! Child care will be provided if requested two weeks in advance of the first meeting.

The group will be facilitated by the Membership Team. After the first session, the group will be closed to new attendees. The four sessions are: Session One: Your Journey, Sharing Our Stories and Spiritual Roadmaps; Session Two: The Unitarian Universalist Journey & The Journey of Our Church; Session Three: Our Journey Together, The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part One; Session Four: The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part Two & Finding Your Journey Group. Use this form to register.