December 2022 Salute to Margrethe Gregg

For the month of December, “Behind the Chalice” learns more about Margrethe Gregg, who not only is
Host/Greeter on Sundays, but is a Connections Group Facilitator for the fourth year in a row, a grandmother who
supports LRE and is always willing to help with Coffee Service! Without further ado, here’s Margrethe!

What positions do you serve for Sunday Services? Host and greeter.
What do you most like about your positions? I love greeting everyone who comes to gather on Sunday
mornings. So many people and so many happy hellos to receive and hand out. Welcoming the tribe as we
gather—it’s wonderful.
What is one thing you would change? Global politics. Is that too big an ask?! In that case a better choice of
chocolate ice cream at our local Safeway.
What is your idea of perfect happiness? A long hot tub at the end of a pottery day—topped up with a nice rum
and egg nogg.
What is your greatest achievement? (Behind the Chalice observes it may have been her bringing up talented,
resourceful, and resilient children and grandchildren, having a huge heart and welcoming in everyone into her
family, helping people thrive at all ages and being a talented artist.)
What do you regard as the lowest depths of despair? I have had moments that “felt” like despair, but they
never lasted long, and I realized afterwards that was not despair—it was being very uncomfortable with
What is your greatest extravagance? (BTC suggests perhaps it was the aforementioned chocolate ice cream?)
Who or what is the greatest love of your life? Greg and all my grandchildren—not always in that order!
Who are your heroes in real life? Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Liz Cheney.
What is a meaningful piece of music for you? Anything that Guy Hallman is willing to play on the piano. (BTC
note – can’t argue there) If he played “Bolero” I would be in heaven.

Where do you like to go in nature to revive? To the ocean—agate hunting and hopefully to lose my phone in a
rogue wave.