Social Justice Committee Report October 2022

The Impossible and the Doable: Ending white supremacy is seen as impossible; it has been part of American culture since before America’s founding. The doable is helping neighbors in need. The social justice team will be addressing both in 2023. We want your ideas and suggestions which you can provide by attending the October Social Justice Zoom meeting on October 6 at 7 pm. Click here for the Zoom link. Attending a social justice meeting doesn’t mean you must be a member of the social justice team. It says you are concerned about social justice and want to learn more about UUCS’s social justice efforts.

White Supremacy: It has been said that white supremacy is America’s original sin. White supremacy is cultural; it has been part of America for over 300 years. I made a mistake, It’s not white supremacy, it’s white male supremacy. Until the end of the 20th century women were discriminated against along with not-whites. In this century a Supreme Court decision eliminating abortion as a constitutional right has reduced the rights of women. Some want to remove a woman’s right to vote. White supremacy has been reinvigorated by replacement theory proponents, people attacking K-12 schools for teaching critical race theory (which isn’t taught), and anti-immigrant organizations. Although UUCS can’t end it by itself, we can learn about anti-racism and white supremacy and work with others to eliminate it. Let me know your ideas on how to end white supremacy by sending an email to me at

Helping others in our Community: In addition to supporting Marion-Polk Food Share, Family Promise, providing Christmas gifts for the mentally ill, and Share the Plate, UUCS can help others in our community. Many non-profits in Salem are looking for donations to help their clients. Each month we can collect donations for a non-profit. If you have a suggestion for a non-profit, we can collect donations for, send it in an email to

Salem Pride in the Park: Saturday, September 24 was a gorgeous day at Riverfront Park for Salem Pride in the Park. Booths went along the sidewalk from the Gerry Frank Amphitheater to Tom McCall’s statue and were along the back of the Park’s original amphitheater where there was entertainment. The number of exhibitors and the size of the crowd was a testament to the increasing acceptance of LGBTQ people. UUCS planned to have a booth but due to a miscommunication did not exhibit.

~John Prohodsky