Events Coordinator Needed

Building front door entry

Want to be a big help? There are plenty of opportunities to join our UUCS ministry and serve on a team or committee, or just show up for specific tasks. But here’s one that has been lying dormant since the pandemic. Our administrative staff, Emma and Jo, are overwhelmed with the tasks of organizing our building rentals. The good news is, we have lots of rentals. Yay! The bad news is, it takes a big chunk of their already full work week to put the rental pieces in place. So we are looking for a volunteer Events Coordinator.

This is a trial position, in anticipation of hiring someone. The Events Coordinator will determine, with the renter, what their needs are, from AV to piano to kitchen access, will be savvy in using the UUCS calendar, will know and explain UUCS policies and will ensure the Day Of event is well in place. Does this sound like something you could give 5 hours/week to? The work can be off-site, or in the Administration office—your choice.

If interested, please contact Christine Ertl, member of our Committee on Human Resources, at